Top 5 Dancing Tips

First Dance Tips – 5 Top TipsThinking about taking to the dance floor for your First Dance can be a worry for some couples – here are 5 Top Tips to help ease your nerves:-
  1. One of the first decisions to be made is deciding on the mood you wish to make – do you want a slow romantic first dance or do you want something a bit more lively and up tempo? How confident you are in your dancing abilities or your own nervousness about performing in public may effect this decision.
  2. Choose a song that you both like – you may just like the song or the song may have a special meaning to you as a couple – it may of been the song you first had a dance to, it may of been the song from that festival you went to – there are as many different reasons for choosing a particular song as there are couples – the decision is yours. If you do not have a ‘our song‘ maybe ask your Wedding DJ for some suggestions.
  3. When choosing a song listen carefully to the lyrics – a top tip here is to venture onto YouTube and look for a video featuring your songs lyrics. Some romantic sounding songs may not have a romantic meaning.
  4. Avoid any potential pitfalls on the day by practiseing dancing in your wedding shoes with your wedding dress on – the moves you can do in your trackies might not be possible when dressed up on the day.
  5. Try and enjoy your First Dance – dancing is meant to be fun! If you are nervous about your ability or want to try something a little bit different why not book a couple of dancing lessons ahead of time.